Eight years ago, when the country had just finished the political upheavals of the 2nd most contentious and potentially explosive presidential election ever, an historian wrote how America had always been fortunate to elect their best presidents ever during the most trying times the country faced -- Lincoln in the White House as the debates of slavery were reaching a crest, and F.D.R. during the Great Depression and then WWII.I remember being reassured by this essay, telling friends that perhaps the sheer incompetency of G.W. Bush -- yes, we Democrats saw it so clearly then, though we TENS OF MILLIONS were dismissed as extremists and moonbats -- indicated that America would not be sorely and severely tested as it had been by the Civil War in the 19th century and the collapse of free markets and civility in the first half of the 20th century.
Because 'W' had won the election, surely the Gods wouldn't test America's resiliency while one of the least qualified men ever occupied the White House!Boy, were I and that historian wrong...So now that Obama is headed to the White House, one of the most promising men ever to be elected President, I have to ask, what are we in for now?