Question: Will anyone read an architecture / cycling / global warming / peak oil / housing bubble bursting blog? Answer: Don't care, therapy is therapy. Looks like it's gonna be a long hard slog, uphill, into the gale, with rusty gears and a bad attitude.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Kinfolk said, "Jed, move away from there." But this one didn't.
I'm ashamed of myself. I can't help but admire this assemblage of aluminum living at its very best. They even have a kidney-shaped ceeement pond in the front yard, fer chrissake! Four levels of fine ten-foot-wide paradise nestled into the forest's edge come complete with a wind turbine and a sunroom. Whoda thunk Bubba could be so Green?! One question: Are all those stairs code compliant?
By the way, this photo was sent by our real estate agent, who's been trying for two years to find us the perfect lot on which to build our dreamhome. As usual, click on the photo to see and appreciate it full-size.
Up Side: Well, at least if one HAD to live with their mother-in-law....ladder removal makes for a happy thought.
Down Side: The multicolors are so very declasse, don't you think?
p.s. Shame on you for perpetuating an obvious photoshopped internet "joke" email. All Texans are outraged. Well, they would be if they could get internet reception in their stacked tornado-baitshops.
I try to work as little as possible, but when I do, I bill at $75 an hour. I'm worth more, but illegal immigrants are holding down wages. And yeah, that's a picture of me... only I'm taller and younger. You want to believe me, don't you?
I LOVE IT, now if I could only convince our HOA to allow us to raise our current home and have Howard design us something along a similar line for TX.
No wait, "Better Shacks and Bubbas" probably has the plans available including optional sizes on the red shipping container base on thr right.
Check that... this "structure" is probably located here in TX.
Whups... that would be "raze" not "raise" unless we decided to include our current home in the vertical design plan...
Up Side: Well, at least if one HAD to live with their mother-in-law....ladder removal makes for a happy thought.
Down Side: The multicolors are so very declasse, don't you think?
p.s. Shame on you for perpetuating an obvious photoshopped internet "joke" email. All Texans are outraged. Well, they would be if they could get internet reception in their stacked tornado-baitshops.
Nope, the photo is legit. The property owner's mind is a bit twisted, however. I'm thinking that mind resides in Arkansas or West Virginia myself.
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