Monday, November 27, 2006

November Millennium

Howard rode 31.1 miles today on his Fuji Touring Beater to put himself over 1,000 outdoor miles in Colorado for the month of November -- a November millennium to remember. The temperatures outside were a crisp 29 degrees with a slight breeze. Howard's bottle of Fierce Grape Gatorade froze and the vanilla-flavored Accel Gel was gummy rather than goopy. He barely made it back alive.

Howard had to finish the millennium today because the weather forecast for the next few days looks much worse. Much much much worse. He'll probably run instead of ride the next few days.

While on his ride today, he saw only three other cyclists on the road, which has to be a new record low for middle-of-the-day rides in Our Town.

Many seriously serious cyclists like to try for a 1,000-mile month during the summer months. But because Colorado has over 300 sunny days a year, and because Howard was able to bike at least 25 days of each month through the winter months last year, Howard decided to give it a try. Success!

Old joke, but... where's that Advil?


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