Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Portfolio of March Bicycle Rides

Here's a little video I put together to illustrate just how wonderful Colorado weather can be, especially for us bicyclists. (Be patient, it can take a few extra seconds to get started.)

I may or may not do another video for the rest of the month...


Blogger Chris said...

I expect to see some little gremlin stealing your camera and running off in the opposite direction during the last 23 seconds!

I'm so jealous of your rides; between having the flu and being busy as heck with work my riding has suffered tremendously this month.

Can you adopt me so I can move to Colorado?

3:01 PM, March 19, 2009  
Blogger Howard said...

My son said the same thing about leaving the camera there. What he and you don't know is that there was nobody around for at least 100 yards.

And sure, I'll adopt you, but only if you'll let me beat you up the Devil's Gulch climb more often!

7:05 PM, March 19, 2009  
Anonymous Slow said...

Dude, you should be working for the CO Bureau of Tourism. I wanna be there even more than ever after seeing your "March Rides"!

6:57 PM, March 27, 2009  
Blogger amidnightrider said...

That was fun.

5:31 PM, April 06, 2009  

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