One 2008 Election Prediction
State by state, here is my prediction (click on the map to see it larger):
Where I went wrong:
1. If I'm overly optimistic, it's because McCain won North Carolina, then Florida, then Ohio, in that order. But still McCain will lose.
2. If I wasn't optimistic enough, it's because Obama also managed to win in Missouri, Indiana, Georgia, Montana, North Dakota, and maybe even in Arizona. Again, in that order. Frankly, if he wins in ANY of these states, it would be a victory of unprecedented scope.
Also, the Democrats will win 59 seats in the U.S. Senate, which will be a tremendous relief to those of us who don't want to ever hear from Lieberman again.
Now let's watch...
I'm not sure McCain will win Arizona. Two votes I know of went the other way.
Atta girl, MTK!
Indiana went Blue. Wow. When my friend in CUlpeper said the middle school kiddos went 50/50 I knew the Commonwealth of VA had gone blue (if that many woodchucks flipped...).
I will be insurmountably pissed if he doesn't LEAD. Soon. Like, before inauguration.
Oh, yea.
And Colorado.
:D :D :D :D :D
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