Why Howard Laughed
Question: Will anyone read an architecture / cycling / global warming / peak oil / housing bubble bursting blog? Answer: Don't care, therapy is therapy. Looks like it's gonna be a long hard slog, uphill, into the gale, with rusty gears and a bad attitude.
That is awesome.
Of course, she's an elitist. All edjumicated and stuff.
Bravo...bravo! Throwing roses here.....
As a (roller)hockey mom, baseball mom, soccer mom, football mom, and basketball mom, I can honestly say I wouldn't even vote for Sarah Palin as TEAM MOM.
What? Are you forgetting your stints as mathletics mom, chess mom, and band mom?
Oh wait, those roles were mine...
How come you got all the cool stints?
We are *not* voting for you for team mom, Howard, cool stints notwithstanding.
(D'ya think the 'redness' of factions at bj are what brought the server down?)
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