Why Howard Laughed
Question: Will anyone read an architecture / cycling / global warming / peak oil / housing bubble bursting blog? Answer: Don't care, therapy is therapy. Looks like it's gonna be a long hard slog, uphill, into the gale, with rusty gears and a bad attitude.
Beautiful! Captures perfectly the joy I imagine you feel when biking and maybe even when running. (Comparable to the joy I feel reading on the couch.)
That was astounding. I am shocked by how the author/artist captured it all. It makes me suddenly feel completely un-unique....but in a good way.
I liked the 2001 A Space Odesey Monoliths!
So.....ummmmm ..."Every day I can get out is like this"?
Remind me not to be behind you when you do that "one-nostril farmer's blow"! :)
Loved the animation!
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