Friday, May 09, 2008

Posted Without Comment pt. II

Update: Two weeks after this video was made and released, McCain repudiates Rod Parsley's endorsement...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Oh, the Shame! (without any actual shame, of course)

75 Students Arrested in San Diego State Drug Bust...
Dozens of San Diego State University students were arrested after a sweeping drug investigation found that some fraternity members openly dealt drugs and one even sent a mass text message advertising cocaine, authorities said Tuesday...

Of the 96 people arrested, 75 were students. Eighteen of the students were arrested Tuesday when nine search warrants were executed at various locations including fraternities...
I'm sure you've heard Robin Williams' line that cocaine is God's way of telling you that you have waaay too much money. It's.... interesting that so many of the arrests happened to frat boys, proving Mork from Ork's wisdom AND a stereotype in one massive drug sweep.

The thing is, BWC (blacks with crack) routinely get prosecuted to the max while CWC (caucasians with cocaine) rarely do. That's part of why 10.4% of all black American males between 25 & 29 are in prison while about 1% of white males the same age are incarcerated.

Down San Diego way, I predict massive wrist slapping and expulsions, followed by wailing and gnashing of teeth by VPUFB (vaguely parental units of frat boys).

It's gonna be a blood bath. Except without any actual suffering or lessons learned... of course.

How to Repair a Flat Tire in 5 Minutes 15 Seconds

If you've paid attention, you know that Howard gets a lot of flat tires. On Sunday, after Howard cursed and pulled over to the side of the road, SuperNana grabbed Howard's camera from his back pocket and began to film the fun...