Anatomy of a Simple Dam Loop
Yesterday I wrote that I would be heading for the foothills today, and that's exactly what I did. Wheeze!
Since I rode so far yesterday, I needed to take a bit of a break today. But I didn't. My normal foothills route takes me up to Horsetooth Reservoir, over three dams, downhill past a fourth dam while flying at over 50 mph, then down into Bellvue, over Bingham Hill, and back home along my favorite 10-mile road. Lots of climbing and a total of over 25 miles.
But rather than take that on today, I chose to ride up and over the first dam -- Spring Canyon Dam -- and then turn back to town before crossing the second dam -- Dixon Canyon Dam. This route is Googlemapped below, beginning at the bottom of the map. Mile mark #2 is where Spring Canyon Dam is located.
We're supposed to get two to three inches of snow tomorrow (Saturday) morning, so even though I didn't feel too much like riding today, I still managed to put in 15 1/2 miles for the day, bringing my week up to 200 miles -- which also puts me over 1,000 miles for the year!
O, to have hills in Michigan. We've got a couple 4-8% grades here (not long, so you have to do repeats), but that's about it.
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