Friday, October 23, 2009

Vlog 1 - Cycling Has Changed My Life

Initiating my new weekly videoblog, or Vlog, I decided to discuss the activity closest to my heart -- bicycling. In future weeks: architecture, real estate, unemployment, global warming, weightlifting, running, cats who know they're being videotaped... who knows?


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm honored to be the first person to comment on your first vlog! Cycling has changed my life too, and your cycling has change both of our lives. Who knew what we were getting into that January day in 2007 - congratulations on 4 years of cycling, and here's to many more for both of us.

6:49 PM, October 23, 2009  
Blogger Kin said...

and I get to be the second commenter on your first vlog! I'll have to give this cycling thing a shot. Congratulations on all that you have done on the bike so far.

7:39 AM, October 24, 2009  
Anonymous Slow said...

Very cool vlog , Howard! Good to see you & your 4-legged friends. I'd like to vouch for Howard and Baltic Tiger's cycling evangelistic nature ... they (along with several other local Hypoxians to be named later) do a fantastic job of helping out-of-town cyclists find all the coolest spots to ride & refresh.
Looking forward to more episodes.

8:28 AM, October 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liked your first blog (vlog). Beyond the 118 pounds you've not gained, I be curious to hear what it is about bicyling that makes it so compelling for you. Clearly, there are lots of ways to manage one's weight.


2:52 PM, October 27, 2009  
Blogger Howard said...

There are a dozen or more reasons why I love bicycling, but my first Vlog was already pushing 6 minutes, and I didn't want to push the attention spans of my fellow cyclists, all of whom have somewhere to be on their bikes.

Someday soon enough.

10:17 PM, October 27, 2009  
Anonymous Pansy Palmetto said...

Since Pansy currently owes her computer's life (and her computer life) to Howard, all I will say for now is:

Okay. The price is cheap enough. I'll watch and listen to these vlogs. For now. While thinking my usual foul thoughts.

Why am I so obssessed with cycling? Got hooked on triathlons in their infancy and have the good fortune to be married to the Worlds' Best Amateur Personal Bicycle Mechanic.

Certainly some people are born with the "athlete gene"....both Pansys have been lifelong superior athletes (hey! don't hate me just cuz it's true!) in any physical activity they so much as glanced at. We both prefer individual pursuits over team sports. We have been blessed with essentially no "injuries" over the decades.

And when the apocalypse comes? Mark my words: the difference between surviving and not will be mountain bikes (single and tandem).

11:44 AM, October 29, 2009  
Anonymous Pansy Palmetto said...

Explain that "lamp" please.

10:26 AM, November 23, 2009  
Blogger Howard said...

BalticTiger bought it.

7:32 PM, December 18, 2009  

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